Cervical Cancer Elimination Agenda

Agenda for Thursday, December 1

Cervical Cancer Elimination

Location: Meeting Room 1, First Floor

10:05 a.m.

Welcome Remarks

Dr. Carlos Espinal
Director, Global Health Consortium, Florida International University (FIU), USA 

Dr. Mauricio Maza
Regional Advisor for Cancer Prevention and Control, PAHO/WHO, USA

10:15 a.m.

Overview of Cervical Cancer: Global Situation and Situation in the Americas


Dr. Mauricio Maza
Regional Advisor for Cancer Prevention and Control, PAHO/WHO, USA

Current Situation of Cervical Cancer


Dr. Mauricio Maza
Regional Advisor for Cancer Prevention and Control, PAHO/WHO, USA

10:40 a.m.

Vaccination, Screening, and Treatment Rates


Dr. Mauricio Maza
Regional Advisor for Cancer Prevention and Control, PAHO/WHO, USA


Dr. Carla Domingues
Former Chief, National Immunization Program, Ministry of Health, Brazil

Dr. Raúl Murillo
Director, Xaverian Oncology Center, San Ignacio University Hospital, Colombia 

Dr. Sebastián Ospina Henao
Medical Coordinator, Medical Sciences Research Institute (IICIMED), Costa Rica

11:30 a.m.

Country Experiences


Dr. Ricardo Rodríguez Buño
Advisor, Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health, PAHO, Honduras

Dr. Mauricio Maza
Regional Advisor for Cancer Prevention and Control, PAHO/WHO, USA


Communication Campaign for Cervical Cancer in Chile
Dr. Gina Merino
Cervical cancer and breast cancer, Ministry of Health, Chile 

Introduction of HPV Vaccination in Antigua y Barbuda
Dr. Cherrie Tulloch
Cervical Cancer Task Force, Antigua and Barbuda

Introduction of HPV Testing in Paraguay
Dr. Alicia Pomata
Director, National Cancer Control Program, Ministry of Health, Paraguay

Introduction of Self-Sampling in Guatemala
Claudia Camel
Reproductive Health Program. Ministry of Health, Guatemala 

Adoption of HPV Screen and Treat Strategy in El Salvador
Karla Polio
Researcher, Non-Communicable Diseases-Cancer, Ministry of Health, El Salvador 

Challenges of HPV Vaccination and Screening in Mexico
Alejandra Armengol
Director, Women Cancer, Secretary of Health, Government of Mexico, Mexico


1:00 p.m.


2:00 p.m.

Cervical Cancer Elimination Strategy Format


Dr. Anna Cabanes
Global Cancer Epidemiologist, Cancer Control Advocate, Co-Founder of ONCONECTA, USA

Dr. Mauricio Maza
Regional Advisor for Cancer Prevention and Control, PAHO/WHO, USA


The main priorities of the strategy for the elimination of cervical cancer can be grouped into four main pillars. The first three correspond to each of the pillars of elimination, and the fourth would include the enabling elements. For review and discussion:

1. Primary and secondary prevention through awareness, information, education, and HPV vaccination.
2. Early detection of cervical cancer through screening programs and treatment of precancerous lesions.
3. Access to cervical cancer diagnosis, advanced cancer treatments, rehabilitation, and palliative care.
4. Establish leadership and create the systems to drive the implementation of the elimination strategy effectively, as well as monitor progress.
5. Process for developing the strategy.

3:30 p.m.

Coffee Break

4:00 p.m.

Breakout Groups 


Dr. Vhania Batista
National Consultant for Non-Communicable Diseases, Risk Factors, and Mental Health, PAHO/WHO Office, Dominican Republic

Dr. Ricardo Rodríguez Buño
Advisor, Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health, PAHO, Honduras

Dr. Gemma Chery
Country Program Specialist, Antigua and Barbuda, PAHO/WHO Office, Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean 

Dr. Taraleen Malcolm
Consultant, Sustainable Development and Environmental Health, PAHO/WHO Office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean 

Dr. Mauricio Maza
Regional Advisor for Cancer Prevention and Control, PAHO/WHO, USA

Countries will discuss the implementation of cervical cancer elimination strategies, identify human and other resource needs, and set a timeline for planning, developing, and disseminating the strategy.

5:30 p.m.

Group Discussion


Closing Remarks

6:00 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned