Message from the Director

The Global Health Consortium (GHC) is a global health initiative at the FIU Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work.

At the Global Health Consortium, we are committed to education and health, not just at the university or in our own backyard – but globally. The Global Health Consortium has made a fundamental commitment to ensuring a better way of life for global communities, be it by educating international students or completing research that makes a significant impact on lives around the world.

We are globally connected but world health is unfortunately, not equal for all. Access to healthcare, education, and social rights can dramatically change a community’s standard of living and life expectancy. We are training individuals who fully understand the factors that interact in society and affect health, individuals who understand today's needs, and are capable of generating solutions to change and lead the future.

To build great things we must start with the small ones. Create platforms for deep analysis and discussion groups that influence their environments. Facilitate discussions in which converge those who develop solutions with those who have the capacity to make decisions and capital to implement these solutions in the communities.

No matter a person’s race, religion, or origin, health is a fundamental right. Through the work of the Global Health Consortium – we are working toward ensuring that communities have access to better health.